Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Years!

I've been trying to post this for a few days now, but I've had weird internet issues when I've had the chance to do it. Anyway, I actually completed this project a few months ago, but it was a Christmas gift for my family so I didn't want to spoil the surprise! (Don't worry, mom and dad, yours is on it's way!)

Anyway, I made a calender of my family! It was a lot of fun, each of us have our own birth month so we had our very own calender pages and then lots of fun other stuff along the way!!!! Don't forget that you can click on the images to see them larger. All of the family photography and most of the portraits are by my sister in law, Sheree Flick! (Her blog is to your right)

January - Ryder's B-day is January 7th. He'll be 3 this year.


March - Steve and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary this year!

April - Chloe's Birthday is April 8th and she'll be 9 this year
May - My birthday is May 4th.


July - Piper's Birthday is July 25th and she'll be 7 this year.

August - Lola's Birthday is August 6th and she'll be 2 this year!




December - Steve's Birthday is December 23

I just have to take a moment to say that although this past year wasn't the year I had hoped it would be, I am so grateful for my beautiful family. No matter what is going on, Chloe is always there with a witty remark and a playful suggestion, Piper is there with a quiet concern and comfort, Ryder gives the best hugs and kisses ever and you just can't help but be happy aroud the perpetually smiling Lola. I am truly blest to be married to a man who is everything I need him to be even when I really think I want him to be something different. I'm especially grateful for his patience this year.
I don't have any grand hopes or plans for this year. As long as I have my family close to me, thats all I really, truly need.


Valinda said...

Wow! You did a great job. I like Feb best.

La DiVa said...

HI Sandra.. i've sctually checked out your blogs before :) but wanted to let you know that I love your calendar!!!! The designs are gorgeous and the pictures are beautiful!! What company did you use?? I made some books last year for my family and myself..similar thing..with Heritage Makers.. take care
Kellie (Wright)