Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Blog about Baby Wraps (for Jessica)

So, I could not reply to your baby wrap/sling blog with a mere comment - I needed PICTURES!
First - I am a HUGE fan of the wrap! I built a whole Ariel costume with Ryder secured to my chest! I made it through trips to Disneyland with Ryder and then Lola - both 6 weeks old at the time, with warps. Here's one of Lola last September. She was 6 weeks old and this was a lighter weight pink wrap.

I also make my own warps. I buy 5 yards of $1 - $2 a yard fabric from walmart. Always a knit. Even if it has a bit of stretch, I tie it on tighter so the stretch isn't a problem. Then I cut it into about 15 inch strips. That's it! I get 2-3 out of one length of fabric, depending on the width of the fabric.

Actually, when Ryder was a baby, I forgot my wrap on the way to Disneyland. We stopped at the Walmart in Barstow and got more fabric and some scissors. The fabric was a little heavier than I wanted, but it ended up being fine because it was cold and even rained one of the days. I never had to worry about him being wet or cold, because he was snuggled close to my chest the whole time.

Wraps are great because they are very secure. I have done the front snuggle carry - where the baby is facing your chest - great for tiny babies. SOOOOO secure! You can bend over, do anything and you know they aren't going anywhere. Try that with a Bjorn! When they get a little older, I turn them around to face out so they can see. Lola loved that at on our Spring Break trip to Disneyland. I have also carried Ryder on my back. That was cool, too.

At Disneyland when Ryder was a baby

In the picture above, you should note that I didn't quite use it right. I should have wrapped the fabric around my waist one more time to hole him in on the sides. There are FABULOUS direction for every type of wrap imaginable at

This picture is just CUTE! They wouldn't let me keep him in the wrap on Dumbo, but at wasn't too annoying - just a piece of fabric wrapped around my body! What a cute baby he was! I couldn't go anywhere that trip without everyone staring at him. He was so cute and tiny on my chest. And look how little Chloe looks. Geez.

Anyway, there are a few drawbacks. It can be a pain to wrap all the time. You need some space and the wrap drags on the floor as you are wrapping it on you. This can be bad, especially in parking lots. When we would go somewhere, I would usually wrap at home, then stick the baby in inside. Also, it's hot. Even last September, I tried to keep Lola in the stroller most of the time because it was really hot for her and me to have her on my chest, and I got the lightest weight fabric I could find. Not awesome in Las Vegas.

So, I also like Ring Slings, too. I haven't tried any others, but I have used my sisters Ring Sling that she got from a friend who makes them. Actually, I'm designing a website for her ( She's so nice! I just met her in person last week. Anyway, she's very reasonable. I felt very safe and comforatable with Lola in it when she was really tiny. They are also great for older babies in a hip cary. I find they are cooler and a bit easier for a quick trip (like there is such a thing with 4) into the store.

I have also heard wonderful things about Mei Tai wraps. I always wanted to try sewing one like that for myself, I just have never had the patience to try. There are some sites with GORGEOUS Mei Tai's. I just couldn't think of spending that much money on them!

All I know is that while I honestly don't go a lot of places with all 4 kids by myself and really never did when Lola was smaller, but several times, having the baby securely wrapped on my chest made it possible for me to function. I'm not a baby wearer - some women always have their kids strapped to them. But I have loved them! Ryder actually spent more time in them because I did a lot more stuff when he was a baby.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

LOVELY!!! That helps out a lot. Do you know of any sites that show you how to do all the different types of wrapping?? where did you learn that part? I'm pretty much sold on the wrap and I can't wait to try it when my sister brings HER sister in laws to me thon Friday. I'm only nervous about the wrapping and knowing how to do all the different ways.

Valinda said...

You're so informative! You should write websites on how to get info I'm such a dork about all that stuff. If I ever meet somebody that needs help I'm sending them to you!

Tara said...

I'm the "sister's sister-in-law". Just FYI (since I know how you feel about heat, my baby was born in Vegas), I found stretch nylon to be THE BEST, breathable, great amount of stretch to hold snug, and I ended up hardly using my knit one because it was so hot. My little guy would sleep for hours with his head covered with fabric, and he would not be sweaty or anything while we were on our outings. The parking lot thing was tough with all the fabric. I used 6 yds, (I'm tall like Jessica and a little on the funky side, I liked the flowing fabric hanging down), but I didn't cut it, I folded it in half lengthwise. I liked the extra support, the versatility to use it like a blanket when he was wrapped to me, and a cover while I nursed, but that's me. I never did get the back wrap down, he was too wiggly and I was always by myself. This is a great post, I'm going to recomend some friends to this one. :) (if you ever need to do wraps again, try stretch nylon, it rocks in the heat! but make sure it's not the slippery kind :)