Thursday, June 19, 2008

One Night Only....

Ok, I've been sitting on some information for a while and it's good news!

I will be understudying the role of Amneris (the part I wanted to play) in AIDA and I will have one performance in the role! I will let everyone know which show it will be - more than likely it will be either August 20 or 21st. Of course it will be contigent on both the director and myself feeling comfortable in performing this highly demanding role with limited rehearsal, but I don't have any doubt that I can pull it off and do it FANTASTIC! I've got ONE NIGHT to live my dream and dang it, I'm going to make it count!

Ok. In other news, my kids never cease to amaze me! I am uploading this video of Ryder (I promise I'll take video of the other kids sometime soon!) You have to listen closely, but you can hear him singing parts of "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast.

"Every day, like the one before

Little town, full of little people

waking up to say:

Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour!

Monsiuer, Gaston, oh He's so cute!

He's such a tall dark strong and handsome brute"

I also made a fun trip to the Dentists today! Ok, not really fun, but I had another tooth that has been bothering me and threatening to swell up like the other one. Well, at the AIDA auditions there was a lovely couple auditioning for the show. Actually, the guy - Joe, was cast as Radames, but he had to bow out because he is in Dental school and they changed the dates of some of his boards and it just wouldn't work out. He was truly disappointed - and so was Steve for that matter. He is a dynamic and talented performer. So is his wife! And they are two of the most attractive people I have ever met as well. ANYWAY - he mentioned at auditions that he has to find patients and I need dental work done! He had an opening at 1 O'Clock today, so I went in to have this pesky tooth taken care of. I can honestly say it was the best experience I've ever had at the dentists. He was very careful with the local anesthesia because the epinephrine makes me all shakey and he took his time working the tooth (which was half missing) out without feeling like he was going to break my jaw. Yay!!

And finally, just to demonstrate how much I love Photoshop - here's an invitation I made for Piper's birthday party. I don't know if that will actually be the date and time, but mostly it's for my book of announcements! Even Steve approves.

Good night!


Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

congrats on the part. i think when you only have ONE chance as opposed to many you do WAY better because you want to show the world how good you are. that's how i am at least.

cute invite and super cute singing ryder!! way to go!

The Winkel Family said...

Oh my gosh Ryder singing Bonjour is so stinkin' cute!!!! He did it even better on the video than he did in our dressing room! He's so darling. I'm in love. :)

I'm impressed with how much you can do with photoshop! You're so talented in so many ways! Can't wait to see you as Amneris.