Monday, July 14, 2008

Butt Booster?

I'm TIRED! What a crazy weekend.

Friday night, I went to rehearsal with Steve, but we got locked out and had to scramble to salvage the rehearsal. NUTS!

Then on Saturday, we left the house at 11am and didn't get home until midnight. We shopped the whole day for costumes for AIDA. My friend Valinda watched the older girls and Lola and Ryder were the stroller brigade. They were actually very good. We found some great stuff.

I do have to share that Ryder is a total talker, now. Everyday there are new words. Today he surprised me with ketchup and chocolate. And he says the cutest full sentences. At a restuarant this weekend, as he was trying to get out of his booster, he said "Mah butt STUCK!" and "No more food. All done. Time to go!" I love it SOOOO much!

While we were shopping, every where we went they had these butt boosters. I told Steve - "I've been sitting on a fortune all these years!" Who would have ever thought that people would WANT to have my butt! I mean, I guess they have push up bras and falsies for the bust line, so what's the difference? It's just comical to me that people want to augment their bums. I come by mine naturally - I've always called it the shelf butt. I've often contemplated putting a nice potted plant back there. "Butt" now - I'm just going to cast my derriere in foam and sell it. Just $49.99! I accept paypal.


Valinda said...

you must have noticed my lack of butt, i always just figured it was my lot in life. i'm glad there is a solution to that problem!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

I have a ghetto must be a princess thing.