Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I love...

WALL-E. I really love Pixar - I'm grateful for the movies they've made and what they have brought to my life and my children's life - entertaining stories with a great message.

I bought WALL-E for my kid when it came out - I needed it as a bribe for them to be good when I left them with a babysitter. Chloe and Piper had seen it at the theatre and loved it. I listened to it many times while they watched - always cracking up at the Hello Dolly songs...oh, Micheal Crawford, such a long way you came from "Put on your Sunday clothes", but I digress.

Well, about a week ago, I cozied up in my bed with the kids and watched it. I loved it! I missed a bit in the middle getting a bottle for the baby, but I really liked the whole story. I liked the beginning best, the fat people were disturbing, but what a heck of a commentary. It seems pretty blatant, but I think there's a more subtle meaning there - not just that being sedentary will make us fat, but that we should be cautious with our technology, stop to take a look around at "the pool" and nature, hug and touch each other. Oh, the trash thing - I know far fetched in all reality, but what a commentary! Anyway, I was quite moved at the end. It was great.

Well, I put it on for Ryder the other day and wasn't feeling well so I laid down to watch it with him. OH MY GOSH! I laughed my tail off at all I had missed - I missed Eve finding the plant and WALL-E dragging her around by Christmas lights to go on dates with him. PURE CINEMATIC GENIUS! I was truly impressed that I was able to feel so much emotion from robots - what a technical feat by Pixar. I loved it.

My favorite is Finding Nemo. My least favorite is Rat-ah-too-ee. Don't ask me to spell it! It's a sweet story and the letter the mean old reviewer writes at the end is great, it's just the whole thing about the rat cooking that's gross.

I love the Pixar Play Parade at Disney California Adventures, and I LOVE that John Lasseter, one of the key geniuses behind pixar, negotiated himself such a strong say in the Disney Theme Parks when they re-negotiated the Disney/Pixar relationship because what they are going to do to Disney's California Adventure is nothing short of inspiring.

Visiting the "Blue Sky Cellar" where they have details of the new plans for Disney's California Adventures Theme Park was one of the highlights of our trip! SO stinkin' cool. I especially look forward to the Little Mermaid ride and the World of Color show they will do in the bay. And the new entryway made to look like 1920's Hollywood (when Walt arrived) with red trolley cars and everything. And Cars land. My favorite website for D-land dirt is www.miceage.com. Very informational!

Well, the kids are off today, I'm off to do some scouting for a new costuming project I got hired to do - I just love little jobs that fall from out of the sky at Christmastime!

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