Saturday, June 14, 2008

2 year olds and outdoor theatre. I'm Exhausted!

Tonight I needed to go to the show to fix up wigs and stuff. I decided to bring the whole family. Sure, it was the most frustrating night of my life last time, but somehow the pain had worn off and I thought maybe Ryder would have fun watching the show. Right.

Well, my lovely makeup assistant Alda was bringing her teenage daughter - the adorable Analee (I don't know if that's how you spell it, but hopefully it's at least close) and she's really wonderful with the kids. We pulled in together so we set a blanket at the front but to the side where I could easily take Ryder or Lola to the back of the meadow. Analee entertained Ryder before the show started and Lola kept the girls dressing room entertained while I did my thing.

I finished up and went out to sit just as the show was starting. I made a trip to the snack bar just after the prologue because there's no line then and, well, I've seen the show before. Then we sat to watch the show. Didn't last very long. After 2 "walks" to the back of the meadow and a moment of stillness from Ryder during "Be Our Guest" (Daddy's big number) it was over. Lola was getting fussy, so I ended up taking her backstage to Alda because I knew I was going to have to unleash Ryder.

I think I walked, jogged and ran about 10 miles tonight! For over 1 1/2 hours, I chased Ryder EVERYWHERE while trying to avoid interrupting the show for the rest of the audience! He didn't want to sit for a moment, not even when Steve was onstage. I'm seriously exhausted. Thank heavens for my friends, or I honestly don't know what I would have done. Well, I wouldn't have brought him unless I knew I had backup. Again, it never ceases to amaze me how hard it is to have two kids so close in age. How do people with twins ever survive!

Ok, more than a Wii, I want a nanny. :)


Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

That makes me crazy just thinking of you running all over the place. I've become SO spoiled with all my kids old enough to do their own thing when we go places...what have I gotten myself into??? Did u say ur jealous of me??? are u sure???

Karen Valinda said...

lol Sorry. I just couldn't help imagining your darling 2 yr old leading you on a merry chase around the meadow, he is soo much fun! Ya know some of us are still surviving kids 17.5 mo apart.

Karen Valinda said...

that was really valinda