Sunday, June 15, 2008

An Acting Lesson

Tonight we went to our friends Brandon & Kelly's house to watch the Tony awards. It was fun! Lots of our favorite theatre peeps were there. I was happy for Patti Lupone - her performance on the show was amazing! She sounded so fantastic. I wasn't expecting to root for her, but her performance of "Everything's Coming Up Roses" was fierce. I was happy for Laura Benanti, too. I've seen YouTube videos of her as Louise and she is sheer perfection. In The Heights looks great. I hope to get to see it when we go to NY for our 10th anniversary. Well, that's our dream, anyway.

On the way home, Chloe and Piper were in the back seat trying to cry. So, Dad decided to give them an acting lesson. First he just told them to cry, which was totally fake. I was disappointed because they fake cry all the time to me about silly stuff. Anywhoo, he stopped them and told them to think of something that makes them sad enough to cry. Chloe started chanting "dead puppies, dead puppies, dead puppies." Then, after a moment, Piper - in her most cheerful voice, said "I'm trying, I really am. Say something really mean to me." To which Chloe readily replied "You don't play well with others!" Oh my! Eventually, Chloe was working up some real emotion, but then she started to laugh. Ahh, the happenings of a theatre family.

1 comment:

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

so that's what a theater family does or FHE??